Jubilee News
CU Events Week

Events week is just around the corner, happening only next week! Here are the events and ways you can be praying for CU over this week:

Monday 25th – Big QuizWondering about true joy?       

Tuesday 26th – Comedy Night with Mark Ritchie: He is combining his comedy sketch with the truth of the gospel.

Wednesday 27th – Movie Night: Wondering about hope?

Thursday 28th – International Meal: Wondering is there more to life than this?

Friday 1st – Christian's in Sport Netball, and Evening Grill a Christian: A panel answering questions fired by the audience.

We will have prayer meetings each morning then CU members will head over to Kedleston Road campus to set up Wonder café. This will be happening all week between 9am-4pm. Wonder café is an opportunity for CU to serve the students of Derby with hot drinks and biscuits and speak to them about the topics that will be discussed in the evenings.

Join us in giving thanks for:

  • All venues finally getting booked and organised.
  • That the CU has grown and that we are able to host more events and get the gospel heard throughout the university of Derby.

Please pray for:

  • Those who hear about the events to come along, feel welcomed by the CU, and hear the good news and be changed by it!
  • Boldness of CU members to invite their friends to events and not be afraid of sharing Jesus with their friends.
  • Practical things such as finances to come in so we can pay for the events.
  • Events team as they finalise preparations and host.
  • God to be at work throughout events week through his mysterious ways and for CU members to mirror these words of Paul:

 ‘We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.’ 2 Corinthians 4:7.

  • Pray that students will be saved by the love of Jesus!