Life is full of surprises. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are unpleasant. Though as a follower of Christ I know that I will manage safely through whatever comes my way.
Setan had the opportunity to share his story at Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church and I was able to hear his testimony from a year ago. Many of you remember that time, we would email you twice or three times a day asking for prayer and letting you know if we had heard from those who were able to visit him when he was in prison. It's an amazing testimony and one of those unpleasant surprises when it happens but looking back you see how God really used it for His glory and Kingdom.
Many of you know that my husband and I traveled to Cambodia in March, and we were blessed by an outpouring of love and financial support by many of you! We had a wonderful time visiting the centers and really being able to see Randa's heart for the centers in Cambodia. It was also a time of really praying and seeking the Lord together as Setan was back in Colorado enjoying the last few weeks with his mother.
I had been to Cambodia before, but my husband had not. My husband is from Ukraine, and had heard stories about Setan and Randa when he was living over there. He has always been impressed with their heart for their country even after all the pain they have endured during the Killing Fields. So for a Ukrainian to travel to Cambodia, for him that was a huge blessing from the Lord. He was so impressed with the Cambodian people. The love the staff has for the children they work with, the joy on the children's faces--that was a surprise to him and one that has been placed on his heart forever.
God has a way of showing His face to us when we least expect it. My prayer for you, dear friends, is that this month will be one where you search for God's face and not just His hands. While it's great to receive blessings from Him-it's a whole other joy to just seek Him for who He is.
Thank you again for all of your love and support of TransformAsia. This month we are sharing some of our favorite photos from our time in Cambodia this past March. Enjoy these, and know you are always invited to come and experience TransformAsia live and in person. It's one thing to see the photos, and it's a whole other thing to be there!
In Jesus' Name,