Thanksgiving 2017 marks the 37th Thanksgiving celebration for the Lee family in the United States of America. We thank God for His Provisions and His unconditional love for our family and for those that He brought into our lives. We thank God for the first 1980 snow storm as we arrived at the old Denver Stapleton International Airport. That was the first snow we had ever seen. There were 14 members in our family travelling, that included our parents, Setan, Randa and Setan’s 5 sisters and 3 brothers. Experiencing the freezing cold temperature for the first time in our lives was quite a challenge. We were not properly dressed for this type of weather. But God was with us in every step of our ways. Glory to His Holy Name! We have many reasons to thank God for the friends and family that He placed in our lives.
This Thanksgiving, I personally wanted to Thank God for allowing me to be with my extended family and my elderly mother, Noeun Touch, who is now 90 years old. I also thank God for my grandson, Isaac, who will be celebrating his first Thanksgiving. I thank Faith Presbyterian Church of Aurora, Colorado for their love toward our family since 1980. Thanks to all of the churches across America and Canada for their love and support. We thank God for our friends and supporters across the globe for their steadfast love toward TransformAsia for which we are privileged to serve the people and nation of Cambodia and abroad. We want to thank the members of our board (past, present and future) and our associates for their dedication and endurance with this incredible mission. Overall, we thank our Lord Jesus Christ; our helper and comforter, Holy Spirit, and our Heavenly Father for watching over us and carrying us through good times and bad.