Jubilee News
Upbeat Communities - Communications Role

Upbeat Communities are looking to recruit an amazing, exceptional Communications Officer who will raise the profile of their work and help them transform the lives of refugees.

The role will have a focus on developing their internal communications with staff, volunteers and trustees, along with producing compelling messages and content to engage supporters, donors and the general public in their work.

It is a 22.5 hour a week post (which can be worked flexibly) contracted for 1 year at £21,500 pro rata with 5% pension and the possibility of extension depending on funding.

Closing date is Sunday 21st May 2017 at 5pm.

More information can be found below and on:

About Upbeat Communities
Upbeat Communities started in 2005 by a group of Christians from Community Church Derby. It was founded in response to the needs of refugees arriving in the UK and the stories they shared of their lives and their journeys. Through building relationships with those from refugee communities we were able to identify their needs and the best ways to respond.

They began by giving practical help and support to refugees and asylum seekers, which rapidly grew into projects that built cohesion with the whole community. One of the first major projects was to set up a community café in a multicultural part of the city, providing employment and volunteer opportunities for refugees, with a space for community activities, arts, and family events. From this initial work they developed a range of services, delivered with a number of different partners (Derby City Council, The British Red Cross, St James' Centre, Derby Refugee Advice Centre & Refugee Action). For more information about their current activities see Our Work.

They are a registered charity 1162856 and a social enterprise company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 05648977.