For a long time now, we have had a heart to start a new church in Burton-upon-Trent. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a town very close to Derby, just south of us, down the A38. A few years ago, God spoke quite clearly to my good friends Matt & Louise Waring about Burton. Matt & Lou had been in Derby since the earliest days of Jubilee and felt that God had put it in their heart to move to Burton and begin a new church there. That started a process of Matt & Lou moving and beginning a Jubilee LifeGroup (small group) in Burton. That has done really well, has grown and multiplied as new people have joined and last year we were able to announce the Burton Church Plant.
Last Sunday we were able to announce the exciting news that Burton Family Church will begin meeting on Sundays in January 2018. That sounds like a long way away, but actually there’s much to do between now and then! The first thing is to find a venue and then there is lots of work to do on publicity and telling people about it. Our plan is to run an Alpha course over the summer term and then have a number of outreach events in the autumn, leading up to January.
We are very much looking forward to being part of what God is doing in Burton. There are already some great churches in the town, but there are also a whole load of people who don’t know Jesus yet. We want to play out part in helping to reach them with the good news of the Gospel.
So, if you’d like to find out more or maybe get involved yourself, you can contact Matt & Louise at They would love to hear from you! And please pray for us as we work towards the launch in January. There’s lots to do!