Matt Waring
Burton Family Church - Church Plant

It was great to be able to share our plans for Burton Family Church on Sunday.  We are excited about what God has called us to do in Burton and the surrounding areas. Everything we are doing this year is working towards a very exciting 2018 when we will be launching our Sunday meetings.  Our first public meeting will be Sunday 14th January at a venue in Winshill.  In the run up to this key time  we will have plenty to keep us busy!

We are getting together pre Alpha for a Skittles Night at the Burton Bridge Inn on the 11th April.  Our Alpha course starts on Tuesday 25th April at Langan's Tea Rooms  with a 2 course meal and Steve Hurd from The Ark Church Huddersfield sharing his testimony; we will then continue at the Winshill Neighbourhood Resource Centre over the following 10 Tuesday evenings.  Over the summer we will have plenty of social events and are planning a quiz night for October.  November will see the return of our Fireworks & Sausage party and in December we will be celebrating Christmas with our Christmas meal at the Dial and then a Carol service on the 17th.

It is going to be a busy and challenging year for all of us but we are so excited and expectant for God to take the little we have and multiply it into something amazing here in Burton upon Trent.

If you would like to get involved or to discuss things further please contact:
03000 110 121

You can find out more about our Burton Church Plant here.
You can read Graham's blog about this news here.