Julio Abraham
City Wide Prayer - Update

Dear Intercessors and Senior Leaders,

Thank you so much for embracing the vision of Christians from across the city coming together to pray and taking part in the first City Wide Prayer event at Broadway Baptist last Sunday. The feedback has been very positive and we were encouraged by the numbers of people, over 200, from a wide variety of churches who came. The messages we received back from the Police, local government, politicians and businesses were also supportive; they were encouraged to know we were praying for them and asked us to continue! The feedback from those who attended has been wonderful, a real shift has taken place in our City, a few observations as well to make our prayer times a little more productive. Thank you particularly to Henry & Rachael and the musicians and singers from New Life for the powerful worship; the dancers from the National Liturgical Dance Network UK for the prophetic message they brought through dance; for Rashell and the folk at Broadway Baptist for their warm hospitality and for each of you for leading the various sections of prayer. It has been wonderful to see so many church leaders come and stand together.

It is important that we do not lose the support and momentum that has been built. I believe that as we move forward in unity we will have a great impact on the spiritual atmosphere of our city and beyond. There has been keen interest from some of the Black churches and others who were not able to come to this event about being involved in the future. Therefore, can I ask you to commit to taking part in the second Citywide Prayer event on the evening of Pentecost Sunday, 4th June, 6.30pm at Community Church, Derby, Riverside and promote this event in your churches? This will be a culmination of a global wave of prayer between 25th May and 4th June as part of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Thy Kingdom Come prayer initiative. How powerful it will be for all God’s people to be standing together and interceding for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our city, across the nation and the world. Let us expect to see great things! ‘But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.’ 1 Peter 2:9

Julio Abraham