Thanks for reading our latest news update, with the latest news from Jubilee Church Derby
Welcome Lunch
This coming Sunday (27th November), we are holding a
welcome lunch after our Sunday meeting. If you are a visitor to
Jubilee or have been coming along for the last month or so, we'd
love to invite you to join us! The lunch will be hosted by John & Val.
More details on Sunday.
Christmas Carols
We're really looking forward to our Christmas Carols event which this year is on Sunday 11th December, 6pm at QUAD. Flyers are available on Sundays please take the time to invite friends and neighbours to this excellent event!
Carol Service Leaflet Distribution
We have a number of planned leaflet distributions to invite the city to join us at our Carol event. If you can join us to help on any of these dates please contact:
* Thursday 1st December from 10am - 1pm - location TBC - in estates near QUAD
* Monday 5th December from 11am - 1.30pm - meet at the Church Office
* Saturday 10th December from 2pm - 3pm - location Derby City Centre near QUAD (prior to the Christmas party)
Christmas Party
Join us for our Christmas Party on Saturday 10th December 3pm at St Peter's City centre. An afternoon of party fun for everyone at Jubilee! LifeGroups will be organising food and some entertainment. Please ask your LifeGroup leader for more details.
Prayer Meetings
Our next joint prayer meeting is on Tuesday 6th December 7.30pm in Burton. Join us as we gather to pray together at Winshill Neighbourhood Resource Centre. For full details please click here.
Other Dates For The Diary
Family Christmas - Sunday 18th December - 10am
Join us for our all age Christmas Celebration (inc. puppets), at QUAD
No Meeting - Sunday 25th December & Sunday 1st January
No Sunday meetings - enjoy your Christmas & New Year break!
We hope you found this update useful - visit our events page for more information on upcoming events!