Jubilee News
Zambia Famine Update

Anthony Harwood Reporting:

I have had the privilege of distributing over 4.5 tons for this months food relief with the Newfrontiers Zambia team.

4 of the Newfrontiers teams co-operated together to make this possible and we were able to increase the support from 1/3rd of the UN recommended daily intake; to 2/3rds.

Last year rains were poor and the people were able to grow 8 months supply of food. This year due to the El Nino affect rains have been very poor and very late. Right now only churches are helping the community, no government or International agency is addressing this problem. So your sacrificial giving is making a real difference.

To read more of this article including pictures and a video click here.

Header image: Shever, Dry Riverbed
https://flic.kr/p/9mkSU CC BY 2.0