Our vision is to build a large vibrant City Church that gathers centrally on a Sunday and has small groups meeting in and impacting local communities all across City. We want to see many people come to faith in Jesus and growing in their relationship with Him. We also want to play our part in reaching our nation and the nations for Christ. To achieve this Jubilee Church relies on the faithful giving of members and those who are regularly with us on Sundays and mid-week.
We can each play our part in the vision by praying, serving and giving towards the work of the church. On this page you will find further details about our finances and how you can give. You can give online now by visiting our Stewardship giving page.
Give Now! - (powered by Stewardship)
God has called us to do a job. From the outset, this church has consisted of people who are willing to devote their time, energy and money to this task. We believe that giving away a proportion of our income to finance the work and ministry of the church is an important part of Christian commitment and something that the bible clearly teaches.
Behind the Bible’s instructions to all believers to give, there are a number of reasons for giving. The apostle Paul lists some of them in 2 Corinthians 9:6-15:
Furthermore, giving should be characterised by joy and cheerfulness and no one should give either reluctantly or under compulsion (v.7).
Paul gives helpful instructions on this issue. In 1 Corinthians 16:2, he sets out at least five principles for giving:
Jubilee Church Derby is a registered charity, number 1162660 and is therefore subject to the law governing charities. In April 2016 we changed our trust status from a Charitable Trust (no. 1097142) to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO - 1162660), this change of structure allows greater flexibility and room for growth in the future. There are five trustees who between them oversee the church’s finances. The team currently consists of: Sandra Aumônier, Adam Civval, Sandeep Manaktala and Graham Pyman.
We seek to implement the principles set out in the New Testament regarding the management of money given for the purposes of financing ministry. For example, taking great care to do what is right in the eyes of both The Lord and accepted good practice; avoiding any grounds for criticism of the way monies are administered; involving a team of trustworthy people, not just one person.
An annual report of our financial activities is submitted to the Charity Commission each year. These are available to view at any time.
If you are a regular attendee of Jubilee and are having financial difficulties, please do the following:
Firstly, speak to your LifeGroup leader, an elder or someone else you trust - don't struggle in silence.
Secondly, the following organisations offer financial advice and help with managing debt and it may be beneficial for you to make contact with one of them:
Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
The Jubilee Project - Run by Derby City Mission
For further information regarding finances or giving, in the first instance please contact the church office or one of the elders or trustees.
01332 322655
You can give now via our Stewardship page:
Give Now!
- (powered by Stewardship)
By cheque or cash in the offering bucket. This will always be available, if not always handed round on a Sunday. Please make cheques payable to “Jubilee Church”. If you are giving cash and you have signed a Gift Aid Declaration Form, please put it in an envelope marked with your name.
Giving by Standing Order makes a lot of sense if you are paid regularly into your bank account. You can set up a standing order so that a fixed amount is paid directly from your account to the church account each month (or week). This is a very helpful way to give as it helps us to budget effectively. This can be changed or stopped at any time. You can set this up by sending a form to your bank, or if you use online banking, by setting up a regular payment using our account details. Please contact the church office for details:
Email: finance@jubilee.org.uk
Please give your surname as a reference. If you have setup a new Standing Order or made changes to your existing one, please let us know by emailing finance@jubilee.org.uk
It is a great help to know how much the church is giving each month as this helps us to budget wisely and make the best use of our money. Therefore, pledge forms are available for members to commit themselves to giving a set amount regularly.
If you are a taxpayer, the church benefits greatly (at no cost to you), if you complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form. This will enable the church to reclaim income tax from the Inland Revenue on every amount you give, not matter how large or small. For every £1 you give, we can reclaim 25p from the government. This adds a substantial amount to our income at no extra cost to you. You can either post it to us or pop it in the offering on Sundays.
We have teamed up with Stewardship to enable you to be able to give online should you wish. You can either give by a one off gift or a monthly gift. To find out more click here.
Give Now!We would warn against the irresponsible use of credit cards in any situation, and giving is no exception. It is unwise to go into debt for any reason but especially where giving towards the work of the church. If you are struggling with debt or need some advice please click here.
You can find our Giving FAQs here.