
Jubilee Church is a ChristCentral Church, part of Newfrontiers.



Historically, we have described Newfrontiers as an international family of churches working together, under the apostolic leadership of Terry Virgo. More recently, following a period of transition Newfrontiers can now be described as: a group of apostolic leaders partnering together on global mission, joined by common values and beliefs, shared mission and genuine relationships.. There are currently approximately 1,500 churches around the world that work with a number of different Newfrontiers teams. You can find out more about Newfrontiers by visiting:



For us here in Derby, we relate to the ChristCentral. ChristCentral is a family of churches served by an apostolic team led by Jeremy Simpkins. This team works with over 275 churches in more than 25 nations and is part of the wider Newfrontiers family. We carry the prophetic call that ‘we can do more together than apart’ and are now serving many churches & church plants in various parts of the world.

Newfrontiers Together Team


ChristCentral is one of 5 UK based Newfrontiers Apostolic Teams. Each of these teams have their own sphere of ministry, both within the UK and in other nations. Steve Tibbert has recently been to released to lead the Newfrontiers Together Team facilitating leadership across the several different teams which now make up our family of churches. Steve & Deb Tibbert are based at King's Church London.

More together

The prophetic word to Newfrontiers to believe that we can do “more together than we can apart” still rings in our ears and encourages us to work with other apostolic spheres within the wider Newfrontiers family.


Newfrontiers churches, wherever they are have a passionate commitment to build the church according to New Testament principles, and believe that the most effective form of evangelism is worked out from strong local churches. Churches where each member participates, the gifts of the Spirit are outworked, where there is joy in caring one for the other, where there is a desire to make a difference in society and to reach those in need.



Devoted is a four day festival for all the family over the August bank holiday weekend. Devoted is all about Being Friends & Enjoying God Together. Devoted will leave you freshly inspired to see the kingdom advance and bring transformation to the world around us. We are so looking forward to gathering together for great times of worship, inspiring teaching from God's word and enjoying the gifts God has given each one of us. Whether you are a regular part of Jubilee or just visiting we'd encourage you to book in and plan to join us for the weekend at Devoted. For more information & to book in visit the Devoted website.

Previous Events


Devoted was launched in 2015 and we have loved joining with around 2,000 people for four days, camping and meeting together. One highlight for us has been the morning family worship times. Each morning the day starts with a half hour or so of pumping, energetic worship where families are encouraged to engage together. To listen back to teaching from these events visit the Devoted media archive.

Devoted Promo

Here is the latest promo video for Devoted a festival hosted by ChristCentral.

Social Action & Community Engagement

A video produced for North 2013 an event organised by ChristCentral & held in North Yorkshire.

The Newfrontiers Story

A short video about the history of Newfrontiers.

Newfrontiers Mission

A short video about the mission of Newfrontiers as a family of churches around the world.

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